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How EA Can Help After Your Move

Your orientation day may have been a few months ago and now you've moved here and have more questions. Perhaps you need additional insights about the community into which you settled or would like to reconnect with the community guest who joined us for lunch. 

We are here to help!

Social and neighborhood connections - After you have moved in we are here to make sure you are happy and connected in your new community. We often coordinate welcome coffees or lunches and invite a small group of handpicked neighbors to meet you. This enables you to meet a few neighbors who you can call in case of an emergency, share your interests (book clubs, walking groups, golf foursomes, parents with kids the same ages as yours so your children will have a friendly face to look for on the first day of school).

Newcomer outings -  Recent outings have included a night at the Cleveland International Film Festival, a coffee at the home of a staffer for stay-at-home moms, and a Guy's Night Out at a brewery in Tremont.

Social media - EA has a link to our blog on our website: that we lovingly call, ConnectToCLE (sorry, Akron, we are still working on clever words that rhyme with Akron). You can add your email address and receive two posts monthly. Or follow our Facebook page where we post interesting local events, factoids and news.

A bit more about the rest of our team.....

Our staffers are called Guides. We think Relocation Specialist sounds too formal. That's not who we are. We guide you to the people, places and resources you need to quickly acclimate to your new town. Most of our staffers have relocated multiple times themselves, but all have lived in Greater Cleveland/Akron for 5+ years, so they know our region inside and out.  A few of our team members were born in other countries and immigrated to the US as young adults. They bring international relocation knowledge and experience to our team.

EA staffers are your team of local experts.  To learn a bit more about EA, here's a feature story in The Plain Dealer.

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